Sunday, November 24, 2013

Pinterest Verification In 10 Easy Steps

Pinterest Verification In 10 Easy Steps

Getting verified on Pinterest is a great way to let your followers and viewers know a little more about you. Anyone interested in your services or wanting to know a little more about you or what you do can now click directly on your verified website or blog link. Take the time to verify your site. This lets people know you own your site and that it’s safe to be redirected to your link. Trust is a big deal when dealing with so much spam and viruses. Pinterest must first verify your own or manage the site before it will allow you to display your link for all their users to see and be redirected to.
Once verified, your Pinterest account will display your full website URL and a checkmark next to your URL.
Let’s get verified!
First you need to make sure you can access your website server. You will be required to upload a unique HTML file to your hosting site. For example: Don’t be intimidated by the fact that you have to access your server and upload an HTML file. No need to call your programmer, web guy or expert. You can absolutely do it yourself with the instructions below. Try our steps below and save your money. If you have as your website or blog host, this is exactly how you would get verified.

1) Make sure your website is listed on your account under your Settings page.

2) Press the ‘Verify Website’ button. The instructions will appear. See example provided by Pinterest.

3) Press the ‘Download the HTML verification file’ link to download your unique Pinterest verification file.
4) Login to your account. Once logged in, click on ‘My Account’ in the upper left corner.
5) Click on ‘Web Hosting’ and then ‘Launch’ next to the website you want to verify with Pinterest.
6) Click on ‘FTP File Manager’ from the top menu.
7) Now click on your root folder, this is the highest-level folder, on the left menu.
            For Example: Our folder is the folder labeled  “html”. See image shown:

8) Click ‘Upload File’ from the top menu.
9) Click ‘Choose File’ button and select the HTML verification file you downloaded from your Pinterest account. Press yellow ‘Ok’ button and logout from your account.
10) Complete the verification process by clicking the bold ‘Click here’ link.

Pinterest will now ensure that you uploaded the HTML file. Once the file upload has been verified Pinterest will verify your website.  You should see a success message if everything was done properly and you’ve been verified. Your profile page will now show your website and a checkmark next to it. Now you will appear as verified and a trusted link!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Get organized: Take a day to organize yourself. It might seem impossible and a waste of time. However, spending time to organize yourself will save you more time in the future. If you’ve ever lost something in your office and went crazy looking for it, you know what I’m talking about. Organizing your office, your electronic files and your ideas is key to saving time.
Create a To-Do-List: These lists help ensure that all the steps/tasks are completed without using up your time. They free up your mind. No need to remember or worry about each item needed to wrap up a task. Now you are free to focus on being creative and productive towards other projects.
Labeling: Labeling files/e-mails incorrectly is one of the biggest mistakes people make. When writing an email, don’t write something cute or funny on the subject line. Write something relevant to the email you are sending. When searching for emails or documents it is easier to find if you labeled correctly. Everyone has to reference back to emails or documents from the past but when not labeled correctly, your system won’t find it. Now you will have to spend time thinking and searching for the document before finishing your tasks. Save time – label correctly.
Make Decisions: Disorganization and ineffective time management is often the result of failing to decide what to do. Start making decisions and getting things done and off your desk. Over thinking the small things or not wanting to “waste time” on them is actually the biggest waste of time. Try clearing out some of the small tasks by spending 3 minutes to make your decision and moving it off the list. You will find yourself with less clutter, more time and feeling a lot more confident about yourself. Efficiency and time management guides productivity. Knowing you are getting all your tasks completed gives you confidence and positive energy.
Delegate / Outsource: You are one person. While you may think you are the “master of multi-tasking”, your time is still limited. You are great at what you do but you don’t need to do it all yourself. Some tasks can be delegated. There is someone out there that can do it. Virtual Services are a great way to get small tasks done at your convenience and without the high costs. One task, one charge. It’s that simple. The more you work with your virtual professional, the more understanding they will gain about your business. And you can still limit your budget to using them only when you need a task completed.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Common Problem For New Business Owners: Not Enough Time!

Common Problem For New Business Owners: Not Enough Time!
When starting your own business you tend to make cost effective decisions, not because it’s a savvy business move but because it’s the necessary thing to do. Many new business owners and entrepreneurs use their own money or a limited budget to get started. Doing the majority of the tasks yourself is key to saving money because hiring an employee isn’t in the budget at the beginning. Besides you don’t really need a full time or part time employee but could definitely use a hand once in a while during the week.
Luckily, new business owners can tap into a new way of doing business by hiring Virtual Administrative Support. Hiring a virtual assistant will not break your bank and will clear the small tasks off your list. The tasks that are cluttering you and holding you back from moving your business to the next level. As a new owner you may be reluctant to trust anyone to handle your business tasks but you can start small and work up the relationship.
Remember, A Virtual Assistant is a consultant. You don’t need to supervise, hire, or provide them with an office. They can assist you remotely from their office. Delegating tasks will provide you with time to focus on your business productivity.
There’s no need to feel anxiety or stress over the possibility that the task won’t be done correctly. As with any new business partner, you must build on your business relationship with your new Virtual Assistant. They will learn about your business and get to know you and your business style. Try to remember that they are professionals that have been working in the field and are there to provide you with much needed support. You don’t need to multi-task and hinder your creative juices no longer. A Virtual Assistant can be that helping hand you need, at an affordable rate.
What can I start with? What can I hire a virtual assistant to help me with?
Your time is valuable and you don’t want to spend it checking off small tasks off your to-do-list. While these tasks are necessary and must be completed, you don’t have to be the one doing them. Start with some small but necessary tasks:
  • E-mail management (new inquiries or requests for information/appointments)
  • Thank you notes (Follow up with clients/networking associates)
  • Scheduling & Reminders (Maintain your calendar & never miss an appointment)
  • Database Entries (Enter all your new contacts & never lose a client)
  • Transcribe minutes (Transcribe your recorded notes)
  • Track expenses (Keep the IRS happy and record properly)
  • Billing (Send out invoices/reminders & get paid)
Why hire a Virtual Assistant instead of a part-time employee that can work in my office?
Your virtual assistant will be an independent contractor and not an employee. With that comes a few perks like:
  • They will pay their own taxes to the IRS, State and other government agencies.
  • Vacation and sick leave pay does not apply to them.
  • Hiring process is much easier.
  • No need to budget for expenses like: Office space, desks, office supplies or equipment.
  • You pick your package and purchase only what you need. Spend more if you need it or Call us back when you need more help. No hard feelings.
Increasing your productivity and growing your business just got easier. Don’t make the common new owner mistake of trying to do it all yourself. Make your life much easier and delegate. Arm yourself with administrative support and you will be on your way to a success business path!