Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Actual Assistant vs Virtual Assistant

Is A Virtual Assistant A Smart Option For You?

The "virtual" world sounds so far from the "actual" world that we tend to dismiss it but let's take a look at what virtual really means and some of the things that we have all readily accepted into our actual world. According to the dictionary, the word virtual just means "having the essence or effect but not the appearance or form of". So here are two examples of virtual things that most people use and don’t think twice about.

Ever been in the market to buy a house? Have you ever taken a virtual tour of one? You see the same things you would have seen if you were there but you don't have to drive there (saves you time & gas) and if you don't like it you already know you don't need to see it in person (saves more time).

Ever sold anything on eBay? You say eBay, I say Virtual Yard Sale. It’s the same thing except you don't have to stand out in the sun hoping people come by to purchase something or sit there and haggle with them so you can make a decent profit.

Am I making my point here? Virtual isn't scary and in most cases can be a smart alternative that saves you time and money.

So..........Virtual Assistants.

Keep in mind that we just went over how Virtual isn't so "far-fetched", so please keep reading.

Virtual assistants are the same as virtual tours. You basically get the same thing whether you do an actual tour (hire an actual assistant) as if you were to do a virtual tour (hire a virtual assistant) but there are added benefits.

A full-time assistant means a professional helps you with your work and it costs you a salary, work benefits, liabilities, work space, office equipment, etc.

A Virtual assistant means a professional helps you with your work and it costs you an hourly rate for only the hours you use and nothing else.

Depending on which category you fall under, you have a different use for a virtual assistant. Here are a few examples:

·     Small Businesses - Maybe you don't have a need for someone to work 40 hours a week but could use the help of a professional for a couple of hours to help you get everything done. A Virtual Assistant would be an affordable way to get this accomplished.  
·     Mid-Size to Large Companies - It's likely you've felt the effects of this recession. If you've had to let go of an employee or two....hiring a virtual assistant may be a good way to counter-act that loss. You can save on office equipment and overhead costs of having an employee and just pay a virtual assistant for the hours you absolutely need.
·     Person Just Looking For a Personal Assistant - A Virtual Assistant might be a good place to start. Virtual Assistants can take care of all your personal stuff without you having to hire someone for 20 - 40 hours a week. Having a professional take care of your tedious to-do list might be a good option.
So what can Virtual Assistants do? Well, to be perfectly honest, it depends on the company. Virtual Professional/Assistant companies are all the same in the sense that they provide help when you need it but what they do and how they accomplish that will vary.

MC Virtual Professionals has virtual professionals and/or assistants that can handle a variety of tasks. They are experienced professionals. They are all capable of handling office/personal tasks. They also have professionals that specialize in specific areas such as accounting, database management, marketing, etc.

Here is a list of some of the services that MC Virtual Professionals handles:

1.  Data Entry
2.  Set-up Meetings/Appointments
3.  Accounting
4.  Travel Arrangements
5.  Database Management
6.  Marketing
7.  Website Management
8.  Filter and/or Respond to Emails
9.  Research (i.e. best price for printing business cards, brochures, etc)
10.  Keep Track of Your Calendar/Agenda
11.  Filing (Virtual Filing that is...)
12.  Mail-Outs
13.  Proof-Reading
14.  Gift Shopping
15.  Presentations
16.  Etcera
(If there is a service you are interested in, that you do not see listed here, please send MC Virtual Professionals an email to info@mcvirtualprofessionals.com inquiring about that specific service and someone on the staff will respond letting you know if the service is provided.)

So we agree that Virtual Assistants are not scary and may actually be pretty great right? Yes.

Now, keep in mind that a Virtual Assistant is not the equivalent of a full-time assistant and you may not want to just let go of your current assistant(s) and go hire a virtual one. However, if you are uncomfortable with the situation you are in, then yes, definitely consider a Virtual Assistant.

Whether you‘re starting a business and feel like you're killing yourself to do everything, you’re running a larger business that is going to have to let go of employee(s), or a just someone looking for a personal assistant, a virtual assistant can be a good option. At the end of the day, you are the only one who can determine if a Virtual Assistant is right for you, so weigh out your options and make a decision based on your needs.

If you have questions that you would like answered about Virtual Assistants, please feel free to contact MC Virtual Professionals at info@mcvirtualprofessionals.com. The staff will happily answer general and/or specific questions without any obligation on your part.

~Created by: Sara~

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